موقع علاء السيد... طباعة
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Message from a 4 years old boy

From a 4 years kid… Urgent call to American scientists of war, or so called defense...
First, Scientists of war can never be of soul.. nor of the oneness in all..
Today you are creating earthquakes, hurricanes, bad climate changes and disasters here and there on earth, forgetting that earth is not a mere solid earth! It is an organic living pulsating being, which holds a great wave of compassion for all creatures, and she is aware of what we are doing to her.. Can't you see? Can't you see the strong connection between humans animals plants and mother earth?
Away from "spiritual" words, let me tell some factual words you may comprehend .. One good protected nuclear reactor, caused a disaster in Japanese Fukoshema after that storm... Don't you know "scientists" that there are 35+ nuclear reactors in USA all are unprotected against any tiny earthquake?! Beside the unknown many weapons…
So Who is in real danger by manipulating the weather and pushing mad guess-where buttons???
Mother earth has great compassion towards you until this moment, but who knows....
Her body is feeling the caused pain.. Her aura is disturbed by our ignorance and arrogance... She told me that she's going to shake out her flies like the dog does!
The reflected smaller earthquakes after the big targeted ones of Iran, reached Qatar and Saudia and Iraq, but there is a greater coming reaction from earth's body itself soon.
Your conditioned eyes see earth as dead planet until this day.. Your academic orthodox education does not allow your minds to open nor your eyes to see nor your hearts to feel...
Thus a big shock maybe needed to wake you up and there is no death.. Compassion surpasses life and death to convey its message.. And mother earth is a loving mother and teacher to its children.. She is constantly sending clear messages to let us respect her nature and nourishment to us.. The more we ignore the louder the calls become, and a total global destruction is not far from us unless we wake up now and go back to the divine nature of ourselves, living and reflecting it in every act... Let us choose to live in peace before we die in pieces.. Love unites!!
“Almost universally, we share a sense that there's more to us than meets the eye. Somewhere deep within the mists of our ancient memory, we know that we have magical and miraculous powers within us. From the time of childhood, we fantasize about our ability to do things that are beyond the realm of reason and logic. And why not? While we are children, we have yet to “learn” the rules that say miracles can't happen in our lives.” -

أضيفت في:28-4-2013... فضيحة و نصيحة> صباح الصحوة
.... إذا وجدت أن الموضوع مفيد لك، أرجو منك دعم الموقع



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