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MMS1 - Vacccine Protocol

Special Notice: What to do in the case of vaccinations By Archbishop Mark Grenon

(Special note from Archbishop Jim Humble:  To the best of my knowledge, based on 17 years of working with MMS, I believe that MMS will neutralize vaccines when Archbishop Mark’s process, described below, is followed. From all the thousands of people who have used MMS there is ample evidence that MMS removes poisons and toxins and kills pathogens that cause disease. We know that vaccines contain these very things, therefore it stands to reason MMS would be effective in neutralizing the bad effects of vaccines. It is our belief from the evidence that we have that MMS will eliminate the poisonous effects of vaccinations. Should you find it necessary to follow the sacramental guidance below, we would appreciate your feedback, please let us know the results.)

What to do if you are forced to receive a vaccine

For those of you in the USA, the first thing you want to remember is according to the First Amendment, you can claim exemption from vaccines for “religious reasons”.

The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects your right to worship freely; if a school district or State violates this right, including your right to exercise religious exemption to vaccinate, you can elect to take legal action.

See:  http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/school-immunization-exemption-state-laws.aspx

But, let’s say you run into a situation where you, for one reason or another, find yourself forced to take one or a series of vaccines. You might say, “How can that happen?” Well, let me tell you a story about my daughter-in-law, Nairobis. To receive her U.S. residency and be allowed to live in the United States with my son, Jonathan, and her children, she was told she had to have a series of vaccines including MMR, DPT, Polio, Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus, Chickenpox and a flu shot, before she was allowed to enter the United States.  Jonathan and Nairobis did not know at that time about “religious exemption” from vaccines but, it might not have mattered for them anyway seeing that they were outside of the US at the time, and the Consulates have “Home Land Security” concerns about bringing diseases into the United States, or at least they use this excuse to insist on vaccinations.  We believe the real reason is to infect as many people as possible—to either keep them chronically sick their whole life or kill them. This is the depopulation agenda belief promoted by Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger and many others who want to see this accomplished and that is only 500,000,000 people maximum living on planet earth! You can read the One World Order beliefs at the Georgia Guide Stones, a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia, U.S.A.

Although at the time, Jonathan didn’t have the knowledge of how to apply the “religious exemption” to their situation, he did have MMS! The Genesis II Church and its Sacraments had not yet been developed but they had the basic knowledge of how to use MMS hourly.

We have evidence for some time now that the 3 drops per hour for 8 hours a day neutralizes and eliminates vaccine poisons from the body and cleans out residue contaminates. A friend of my daughter, Joy, was pregnant in the U.S. a few years ago when she was told by her gynecologist after a blood test that she needed a MMR vaccine before she gave birth.  The fact is, she had already taken the vaccine and had the record with her. The doctor was confused, but she wasn’t and said nothing. The girl had been taking MMS for a few weeks and ALL toxic evidence of those horrible vaccines were removed from her body! So, with this knowledge, Jonathan and Nairobis reluctantly agreed that she would take the vaccines. However, they did the following:

1. One week before the vaccine was given to Nairobis, she was taking 3 drops of activated MMS an hour for 8 hours a day (Protocol 1000).

2. The day of the vaccine, Nairobis took 6 activated drops every 2 hours. She did this over an 8 hour period, (4 times in total).

3. After receiving the vaccine, Nairobis continued taking MMS for another week, taking 3 drops an hour for 8 hours a day. (Protocol 1000).

Results: Nairobis had no swelling around the injection site and no adverse reaction to the vaccine.

Why? It was neutralized and eliminated from the body!

Notice to ALL women on birth control: Nairobis was also on birth control pills at the time, the MMS neutralized it, and my grandson, JJ, was born!

So, based on this information, and the fact that others have written telling us they have been ordered to get a vaccine, we are compelled to send out the following Sacramental Vaccine Procedure. This is slightly different than what Nairobis did, as we have added the MMS Patch Protocol, which we have found to be very effective in canceling skin poisons and toxins. 

Once more, for those of you in the US, and other countries where possible, we again want to encourage you to claim “religious exemption” from vaccines. However, if you are in a position where you have no choice but to take a vaccination we suggest the following:

Sacramental Guidance for Vaccinations

1. One week before a vaccination take the Protocol 1000.  (Note: In this case we suggest Protocol 1000 be taken with hourly activated drops of MMS1, not with other forms of MMS.)

2. The day of the vaccine: Take 6 drops of MMS1 (activated MMS) every 2 hours, 4 times in total, which would be over an 8 hour period of time.  Begin this dosing 1-2 hours before you get the vaccine. 

3. Immediately after the vaccination is injected, do the “Patch Protocol” to neutralize the vaccine at the injection site. (Do this in your car or as soon as you get home). Apply this patch the day of the vaccine another 2 times, spaced out by about 3 hours during the rest of the day, that would be applying the patch 3 times in total the day of the vaccine. 

4. After the day of the vaccine, continue with Protocol 1000 for 1 week to make sure all toxins are eliminated from the body.

5. The Patch Protocol should also be applied 2-3 times daily for one week following the day of vaccine while also doing Protocol 1000.

The Patch Protocol

• Mix 10 MMS drops with 10 drops of 4 or 5% HCl, (Hydrochloric acid), count 30 seconds.

• Immediately add 10 drops of purified water, (Distilled water is the best).

• Then add 10 drops of 90-99% DMSO. 

• Pour the whole solution on the middle of a gauze pad and place over the injection site leaving it until it turns completely white, usually 15-20 minutes. This signifies complete absorption into the area. 

• The Patch Protocol will neutralize the toxins in the vaccine.

• If the above steps cause any burning or irritation to the skin, add a little more water to the patch. 

CDS or CDH can be used for the Patch Protocol instead of MMS1. CDS and CDH seem to not irritate the skin.

• Submerse the patch in 5 cc’s or ml’s of CDS or CDH and 10 drops of DMSO. 

• Don’t add water unless there is irritation or burning. 

• If you are applying the patch 2-3 times a day you might want to add 10 drops of water if there is irritation/burning.


1 Protocol 1000 is taking a 3-drop dose of MMS every hour for 8 hours a day.

1 If at any time while taking these doses you begin to feel nausea or diarrhea, lower your intake of MMS. Cut the amount you are taking in half, then work back up from there when the sick feeling has subsided.

1 There may be times when you have no warning before getting a vaccine, such as when traveling it could be mandatory to enter various countries and with no prior warning, or some such thing. If you do not have warning before getting a vaccination, simply start right in with the above procedure starting with Step 2 on what to do the day of the vaccine. In this case, depending on how your body is reacting, you may want to continue with Protocol 1000 for two weeks after the vaccine, instead of one week.

How to adjust the dosing for the vaccination procedure for children.

For children you follow the same steps given above—however the amount of MMS drops given must be adjusted according to the weight of the child. Here are the guidelines: 

Dosing of MMS for children for Protocol 1000.

Protocol 1000 is essentially taking a 3-drop dose of MMS every hour for 8 consecutive hours. When a child does Protocol 1000 the amount of MMS1 that the child should take can be determined by body weight.  Here is a simple guideline to follow: 

• Newborn babies on an average weigh around 7 pounds (3.2 kg), a baby weighing 7 or near 7 pounds (3.2 kg) up to 24 pounds (10 kg), should have 1/2 drop of MMS1 an hour to complete Protocol 1000.

(Note: In the case of a premature or an exceptionally small baby weighing under 7 pounds give them ¼ drop an hour). 

After 25 lbs (11 kg), the basic rule of thumb is you give 1 drop of MMS1 for every additional 25 lbs for a child, which means:

• 25 pounds (11 kg) to 49 pounds (22 kg) the child should take 1 drop per hour.

• 50 pounds (22 kg) to 74 pounds (33 kg) the child should take 2 drops per hour.

• 75 pounds (34 kg) and over the child should take 3 drops per hour. 

• Remember, on Protocol 1000 never take more than 3 drops an hour.

How to adjust the dosing for children for the day of the vaccine:

How to adjust the 6 drop doses on the day of the vaccine (explained above in Step 2), for children:

• Newborn babies weighing 7 or near 7 pounds (3.2 kg) up to 25 pounds (11 kg), should take 1 drop of MMS1 every two hours.

• 25 pounds (11 kg) to 49 pounds (22 kg) the child should take 2 drops every two hours.

• 50 pounds (22 kg) to 74 pounds (33 kg) the child should take 4 drops every two hours.

• 75 pounds (34 kg) and over the child should take 6 drops every two hours. 

Important notes: 

1 The doses the day of the vaccine should begin 1-2 hours before the vaccine is given and continue every 2 hours for an 8 hour period—4 times in total.

1 Remember!! — If at any time while taking these doses your child begins to feel nausea or diarrhea, lower the intake of MMS. Cut the amount in half, then work back up from there when the sick feeling has subsided.

Adjusting the Patch Protocol for babies and people with sensitive skin:

If at all possible, when using the patch for babies, or children and people with sensitive skin, use CDH or CDS as per the patch instructions above, but be mindful to add water if the formula causes irritation. If CDS or CDH is not available following is how to adjust the patch using MMS1 for babies and people with sensitive skin:

Start with 5 drops of MMS1, (MMS activated), and add 5 drops of DMSO and 10 additional drops of water to dilute the solution.  For the very first application do not apply for more than 5 minutes.  Remove the patch to see if there is irritation.  If there is no irritation after 5 minutes, after two hours you can again apply another patch for 15 minutes.  If there is irritation double the amount of water to eliminate the irritation on the next application.  If there is no skin irritation or burning on the next 15 minute application it is OK to continue with these applications.  If at any time there is skin irritation or burning, then add additional water to the solution.  A total of 8 patch applications over the 7 days following the vaccination should be enough for babies and sensitive skin people.

Again, we want to emphasize that in the United States anyone can exempt themselves from “mandatory vaccines” for religious reasons, this is also true in some other countries around the world—check it out wherever you live.

Forty-eight States in the U.S. allow an exemption to vaccinate for religious beliefs, which provides a legal option that parents with sincerely held religious and spiritual beliefs against vaccine can use to file for their children to attend school.

In order to file and receive a religious exemption to vaccinate, you do not have to be a member of a specific church that opposes vaccinations.  Also, your belief in an organized religion (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Islam, etc.) should not prevent you from exercising religious belief exemption to vaccinate.  However, you must be prepared to explain and defend your religious beliefs regarding vaccinations when questioned by State officials.

“You can claim a religious exemption to vaccinations if you hold a sincere belief that use of one or more vaccines violates your spiritual beliefs or ability to obey your conscience after seeking guidance through prayer or study of scripture.”

See:   http://www.ncsl.org/research/health/school-immunization-exemption-state-laws.aspx

My son and daughter-in-law, Jonathan and Nairobis, as well as others, have successfully claimed “religious exemption” from vaccines for their children to attend school. It is much easier in the United States once you have residency and are physically in the country.

Please send us a 1-3 min. video testimony of the Genesis II Church Sacramental Protocols helping you to: joseph@genesis2church.is

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