من الهام لمرضى السرطان فحص مستوى فيتامين د في مصل الدم من الهام لمرضى السرطان فحص مستوى
فيتامين د في مصل الدم، هذا الفيتامين (الهرمون) تدمره الملوثات وخاصة العلاج
الكيماوي كثيراً، وفي حال لزم تناوله كمكمل يجب أن يكون نوعه D3 ويلزم تناول معه
فيتامين k2 أو مخلل ملفوف Saurkraut....
إن تعريض الجسم لأشعة الشمس المباشرة، دون زجاج وثياب ودون كريمات واقية من الشمس،
لمدة ساعة يومياً على الأقل وخاصة في مناطق مرتفعة جبلية بعيدة عن تلوث وغبار المدن،
أساسي جداً لكي يقوم الجسم بتركيب هذا الفيتامين طبيعياً ويحمي المورثات ويكافح
الأمراض كلها.
الشمس هي صديقة البشر ومصدر الطاقة والغذاء منذ ملايين السنوات، والأشعة فوق
البنفسجية الطبيعية فيها تحمي الجسم من الأمراض بما فيها سرطان الجلد، (ليس مثل
المغالطة السائدة أنها تسبب سرطان الجلد!!) بالعكس، قلة التعرض للشمس وارتداء
النظارات الشمسية باستمرار من أحد أسباب السرطان.. للمزيد اقرؤوا كتاب Light:
Medicine of the Future - Jacoub Liberman
If you are a cancer patient, I can
not emphasize enough to take the time that is needed to listen to the interview
between Dr. Mecola and Carole Baggerly as you will soon learn why it is so very
important to get your serum levels of Vitamin D up
Dr. Mercola Interviews Carole Baggerly
My One Hour FREE Vitamin D Lecture to Clear Up All Your Confusion on This Vital
The Role of Vitamin D in Your Body
There are only about 30,000 genes in your body and vitamin D has been shown to
influence about 3,000 of them.
That is one of the primary reasons it influences so many diseases, from cancer
and autism to heart disease and rheumatoid arthritis, just to name a few.
Vitamin D is not actually a vitamin,
although scientists refer to it as such.
It is actually a steroid hormone that you get from sun exposure, food sources,
and/or supplementation.
The term refers to either vitamin D2 or D3, but D3 (chemical name 25-hydroxy
vitamin D) is real vitamin D—it is the same substance produced naturally through
your skin by sun exposure.
Older research appears at odds on whether your body cares which form of D it is
getting, but a study in the January 2011 Journal of Clinical Endocrinology &
Metabolism1 found that D3 is 87 percent more effective than D2, and is the
preferred form for treating vitamin D deficiency.2
Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Cancer Has Been Well-Tested and Confirmed
Theories linking vitamin D to certain cancers have been tested and confirmed in
more than 200 epidemiological studies, and understanding of its physiological
basis stems from more than 2,500 laboratory studies, according to epidemiologist
Cedric Garland, DrPH, professor of family and preventive medicine at the UC San
Diego School of Medicine. Here are just a few highlights into some of the most
noteworthy findings:
Some 600,000 cases of breast and colorectal cancers could be prevented each year
if vitamin D levels among populations worldwide were increased, according to
previous research by Dr. Garland and colleagues. And that is just counting the
death toll for two types of cancer.
Optimizing your vitamin D levels could help you to prevent at least 16 different
types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, prostate, and skin
A large-scale, randomized, placebo-controlled study on vitamin D and cancer
showed that vitamin D can cut overall cancer risk by as much as 60 percent.3
This was such groundbreaking news that the Canadian Cancer Society has actually
begun endorsing the vitamin as a cancer-prevention therapy.
Light-skinned women who had high amounts of long-term sun exposure had half the
risk of developing advanced breast cancer (cancer that spreads beyond your
breast) as women with lower amounts of regular sun exposure, according to a
study in the American Journal of Epidemiology.4
A study by Dr. William Grant, Ph.D., internationally recognized research
scientist and vitamin D expert, found that about 30 percent of cancer deaths –
which amounts to two million worldwide and 200,000 in the United States – could
be prevented each year with higher levels of vitamin D.
Vitamin D has a protective effect against cancer in several ways, including:
Increasing the self-destruction of mutated cells (which, if allowed to
replicate, could lead to cancer)
Reducing the spread and reproduction of cancer cells
Causing cells to become differentiated (cancer cells often lack differentiation)
Reducing the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones, which is a step
in the transition of dormant tumors turning cancerous
Beyond cancer, researchers have pointed out that increasing levels of vitamin D3
could prevent other chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives
throughout the world each year! Vitamin D also fights colds and the flu, as it
regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack
and destroy bacteria and viruses. In fact, it is very rare for someone with
optimized vitamin D levels to come down with the flu.
أضيفت في:2-7-2017... الغذاء و الشفاء> السرطان .... إذا وجدت أن الموضوع مفيد لك، أرجو منك دعم الموقع